Any Problems? Worries? Concerns? Just plain Stuck?
Dave office: 777-7117 & cell: 765-5912
Two-factor authentication for Pulse Secure was implemented November 10, 2020.
The "second factor" is a 6 digit token validates you’re who you say you are. The token
changes every 30 seconds.
Steps 1 & 2 you will only have to do ONLY ONCE. Steps 3 & 4 you will do every time you log in.
ITS' instructions are available here but we made some updates that are relevant to us on this page.
1) Download and install the Google Authenticator to
an Android phone from the Google Play Store or to an iPhone from the App Store.
You can also use the Google Authenticator on the Desktop from within a Chrome browser by googling "chrome
web store google authenticator".
iPhone -
See this link for a general overview:
2) You'll only have to do THIS ONCE: Go to
and Log in with your COMPUTER username and password, making sure you change the Domain "FND Users".
This dialog box will display. (Note bullet 2 has your Backup Codes. You can use each of these once
if you ever loose your phone. Print/copy/take_a_picture of the backup codes just in case. )
Use the Google Authenticator on your phone to scan the QR code and enter the token code it generates.
You’re now set up! You can log out of You will not need to configure it again.
You will have use Google Authenticator every time you connect to the VPN.
3) Open Pulse Secure and click connect. If Pulse Secure says there is an upgrade available you must upgrade.
4) Click Proceed to log in. Enter your usual Username & Password. After that you will see this dialog box:
Open up your Google Authenticator and enter the 6 digit token WITH NO SPACES (TOTP means Time-Based One-Time Password)
Note, the token is only good for 30 seconds. There is a count down timer (pie shape) on the right showing how long it's good for.